Friday, November 20, 2009

Data Execution Prevention on WINDOWS LOGON???

My computer is running WinXP professional, and is just fine. But today I started it, and it start to show some kind of message that saying that Data Execution Prevention has closing program "LogonUI". From what I know, LogonUI is a program that handle Windows login information. I click on the "close message" button, and Windows display an "illegal operation and we are sorry to close your application" window (also a standard operation after DEP window).

But the crazy thing is that LogonUI is an essential service run by Windows, and it WON'T turned off!!! Everytime it's turned off, it loaded itself to memory, and that makes DEP turned it off again, which makes it loaded itself again, and so on. It's not something so emergency, but it just bugged me off.

I have tried to turn off DEP protection on LogonUI program, but it has no effect. DEP still keeping close my LogonUI. Can someone suggest some information on how to overcome this problem? Thanks!

Data Execution Prevention on WINDOWS LOGON???
------------ try this.... Press windowsKey+ Pause Break %26gt; go to advance%26gt; under perormance.... choose settings%26gt; and choose Data Execution Prevention.... and set the option....... off!

----------- lol i did'nt read your detail information so also try running Chk disk and Disk clean up and if possible Disk Defragmentation!

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