Monday, November 16, 2009

"Prevention" What can we do to help stop rape?

What are some myths and realities about rape? What men should understand about rape. Prevention methods.

"Prevention" What can we do to help stop rape?
MYTH: It could never happen to me. REALITY: Oh, yes it could! Whether you're a man, a woman, black, white, Asian, gay, straight, lesbian, sexually active, a nun, a cop, a student, or the leader of the free world, rape or abuse sure could happen to you. It is much more comfortable to believe that you are immune to being raped or assaulted; believing that you couldn't be raped because you're too nice or too white or too rich or too uptight or too whatever probably gives a person a nice false sense of security. "I couldn't be raped," you might think, "because I never go out at night alone." "I couldn't be raped," you might say, "because I'm a man." "I couldn't be raped," you might believe, for any of a number of highly superstitious reasons. And it's quite understandable that you might try to protect yourself from such fear, through the powerful spell of denial.

But the fact of the matter is, you CAN be raped, no matter who you are. You CAN be assaulted or abused, no matter what. If someone really is out to get you, they can do it. And it doesn't matter if they're a stranger or not, either

It is imperative that men accept the responsibility to not harm another person.

It is never OK for force yourself on a woman, even if

-you think she was teasing you or leading you on

she says "no" and you think she means "yes"

-you've had sex with her before

-you've paid for her dinner or given her expensive gifts

-you think women enjoy being forced to have sex or want to be persuaded

-the woman is under the influence of alcohol or drugs

Psychological Preparedness

Accept the fact that you are a potential rape victim. Many women operate under the illusion "it will never happen to me." It may.

Safety at your residence

When moving into a new home or apartment make sure the locks are replaced or rekeyed. It is recommended that a 1" deadbolt lock us used. It is also recommended that if there is no door viewer to have one put in. "DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR UNLESS YOU KNOW WHO IS THERE."

Never admit you are alone

On the Street safety tips.

Do not walk alone.

Always stay in well lighted areas.

Do not take short cuts where you would be in a deserted area.

Driving safety tips.

Never pick up hitchhikers.

Always keep your car doors locked.

When parking at night, select a place that will be well-lit when returning to the car.

The best resistance you can use against an attacker is your common sense. Think! Don't panic. The most important element to remember is that you are not trying to fight the attacker, but are attempting to divert the person long enough to get away. Always look for a way to escape. If the attacker has a weapon, use your common sense.

Break away and run toward areas with people. Be observant so that you will be able to remember and identify the assailant.

Information needed by the police to catch and convict a rapist.

Type of car used by the rapist (license, make or model and color)


Age, weight and height

Hair color and length

Color of eyes


Any unusual marks, scars, tattoos, rings, etc.

Any facial hair

Type of accent

Any strange or distinctive odor

Last direction of travel
Reply:in my opinion the best way to stop it is extremely stiff and humiliating penalties for it.
Reply:It's a violent crime, not a sexual act...a power trip for these sickos.

I totally agree with the above anwer that we need much stiffer penalties for violent crimes. As a woman, it's common sense to avoid certain places/situations. I'm aware of my surroundings @ all times %26amp; don't place myself in certain situations where I could be attacked or overpowered.
Reply:Make it a Capital Offense.
Reply:not go with people we dont kmow and never leave yor drinks alone answer my question too!!!
Reply:Just take the lord's word and don't do these things
Reply:Parent play a important part in teaching their children about the correct way of control themselves,or not,they who found problem need to be observe clearly,religion can help them to control their behavior.usally those who rape,either they have the wrong way of doing sex in their childhood,or they are hurt by women,or they have anger such like anti social that cannot burst out,or they have bad character that what they want the force to get,if they fail,thay may rape women or they have aloud satan to enter their heart,keep away from them,and report to polis when they have sigh to hurt you.
Reply:I know that this may sound sick to some people but I heard this when I was a little younger, Actually about the guy that did it to me and I thought its a very good way to at least make the man pause first. Put the man in a barn nail his pecker to a stump or board leave a knife with him and set it on fire he will have the choose cut it off or die. I know I know your thinking I am crazy and maybe I am but hey do you really think he would do it again?

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